Step 1: Biochemistry Blueprint Step 2 Step 3

The first most important step to 3 Steps to a Better Body is obtaining your personal Biochemistry Blueprint to determine the present status of your health right now!

A simple set of laboratory blood tests called a Comprehensive Wellness Profile will allow us to holistically evaluate and analyze your individual biochemistry. This profile is a wonderful early detection tool that many people do once a year as a preventive health measure.

Better Body provides all our Health Screening Tests up to 60% OFF regular laboratory prices.

Below is a description of the Comprehensive Wellness Profile along with a few important health screening tests that we highly recommend as additional early detection tools.

Please note….When you order both the Comprehensive Wellness Profile and the ASI Stress Panel you receive your Nutricheck Nutritional Profile FREE ( a savings of $55)

COMPREHENSIVE WELLNESS PROFILE covers the most important information needed to review your present health status.

It includes testing: Liver, Kidneys, Thyroid, Complete Blood Count, Lipid Panel, Electrolytes, Immune System and Cardiovascular System, Bones and Mineral.

Regular price... $386
Our price... $145


ASI STRESS PANEL – highly recommended for those living a stressful life!

An Adrenal Stress Index where 4 Saliva samples are used to test:
Cortisol, Insulin, DHEA, Secretory IgA, 17-OH Progresterone and Gluten.
This test helps evaluate stress responses, blood sugar control, stress adaptation, a weakened immune system, adrenal reserve and identifies grain intolerance.

Regular price... $325
Our price... $195  


HORMONE SALIVA PANEL - highly recommended Comprehensive Saliva Test for women with HORMONE IMBALANCES…

The Circadian Hormone Saliva Panel is a 24 hour Saliva Test that includes testing levels and functioning of different hormones.

Cortisol, DHEA, Testosterone, Progesterone, Estrodial, Sodium, Potassium and Chloride levels.

Regular price……….$565
Our price……..$285

Testimonials from some of our clients

The Circadian Saliva Panel is similar to the ASI Panel except it is more inclusive for testing Estrogen and Progesterone performance. The doctors are also available to customize a natural Bio-Identical Crème specific to your individual results. Our clients have raved about the immediate results they get with their customized Natural Bio-Identical crèmes. We highly recommend this test for women who are looking for immediate answers to their overwhelming hot flashes, night sweats, anxiety, depression and mood swings. Hormones can exert a powerful influence over all physical, intellectual and emotional behavior and if symptoms are left unremedied for too long can throw you body off so much you could be at high risk for other diseases.

We work with the most well-known laboratory in the United States considered to be a pioneer in Hormone Therapy and renowned for treating imbalances with Natural Bio-Identical Hormones. Dr. Michael Borkin, owner of Sabre Sciences Laboratory, has just been inducted into the Alternative Hall of Fame and is the youngest member ever to be inducted. Read More on Q & A with Dr. Borkin…


Step 2